Monday, January 15th, 2024

"You must be masculine,
but not in the traditional, threatening way.
You must cut your hair,
but only in a fashionable undercut.
You must bind, eventually get top surgery,
but never dream of having a penis.
You must have a common, boring name,
but nothing as common as 'Aiden'.
You must continue wearing makeup,
but nothing too fruity.
You must have a deep voice and stubble,
but don't go on the evil testosterone.
You must still understand cis femininity,
but never again call yourself a lesbian.
You must be silent, submissive, sanitized,
but never claim to be oppressed.
Above all, you must let people treat you as
a woman,
but reap all the benefits of male privilege."
heiserosandhesapollo, How to be a Trans Man (According to the Internet)